Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The clubbers guide to spending

The following companies stand to make some money out of you if you decide to go clubbing.

  • Clothing vendors
  • Cellphone vendors
  • GSM networks
  • Car dealers
  • Fuel Vendors
  • Parking attendants / Parkades
  • Fast Food outlets
  • Beverage manufacturers
  • Pubs/Clubs
  • Doctors & Pharmacies

Firstly if you are starting from scratch, you need decent attire, a cellphone with airtime, a car and petrol (unless you're getting a lift - in that case your lift picks up that tab), food and drinks (cocktails, beers, etc), entrance fee to various clubs and pubs. If you become infected with one (or more!) of the many flu type virii found in these places you will probably need the services of your Doctor and local Pharmacy.

I know this is a bit of a pessimistic outlook as you probably already have decent clothes, a car, petrol, a cellphone and airtime and you might not catch the flu because you've had the latest anti-flu injection. The point is that it is pretty difficult to have a good time alone, in your normal tee-shirt and thong sandals and relying on public transport to get there (granted the public transport system is pretty good in some places).

So next next time you wonder why there are so many clubs and pubs around, just remember there are a lot more companies scoring off of the clubbers than just the clubs themselves.

Lets say you already have a car, rich rags and a phone at the very least you'll be spending

R20 - R80+ for airtime.
R50 - R100+ for petrol
R20 - R40+ for food
R0 - R20 for parking
R0 - R50+ for club entrance
R50+ for drinks (this one is up to you!)

Total about R150 - R400+ per night of partying!

...and if you get flu and you see the doc he will most probably put you on antibiotics so that's another R300+

Who said having fun was cheap?

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