Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Interesting stuff

Fluid body armor.
Armor that is liquid and can be worn like normal clothing, but hardens immediately upon impact. The technology is still in prototype phase and cannot withstand high powered ammunition yet. However it successfully protects against knife stabbings, hypodermic needles and some low-powered ammunition.
I think it would be great for law enforcement officers, bouncers, security guards all over.
timesonline link

Long range tazer.
Yip a tazer system without wires and much longer range. The pistol could become semi-automatic too. Again a score for the law enforcers.
engadget link

Intelligent traffic signs.
Sign boards that flash when you're speeding and displays your number plate number below it. It seems the psychological impact of you being identified to the other road users is enough for most people to slow down. Next do a database lookup and display the driver's name below the number plate. I think they should have a few of them, say every 500m and if you don't take notice, after the second one say, you get a logarithmic series of increasing fines or until the cops pull you over! Imagine "Joe Bloggs has just been fined £500 for exceeding the speed limit" in big bright letters on one of the overhead signs, or even better on one of those huge billboards.
engadget link

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